Hmmmm.....this blog thing has died down for me. Let's try reeving (revering? You know, the sound your car makes. Rrrrrrrrr?)
Because you Friendternets know about my fixation with photos, let's throw some of those in too. To get the (enter car noise here) going.
In the last SEVEN (!) months we've moved to Colorado, I've become a running machine, lost 30 pounds beeyotches, totally fell in love with my family all over again (News flash: My kids are the greatest. Sorry about your duds.)
I love it here. Sure, everyone is high off medicinal marijuana but it's all good.
Begin random picture showing: NOW! (feel free to comment on how big my boobs look and how skinny my waist is. It seems to be an optical illusion going on up in here)
That's all you get for tonight. Baby steps, people. Baby steps.