Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Broken record

How is Kate still sick?

She sleeps.


She wakes up.


Then Colin comes home from school and we're happy.


Monday, April 4, 2011

A bath is like a vacation. Except you don't go anywhere. And you're naked.

Kate has the stomach flu. That means I've logged some serious time sitting next to the bathtub. We decided to ramp it up today and added goggles.

Best. Bath. Ever.*


*direct quote

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Love Letters

Dear April in Colorado,

Are you %*#)@#$ serious? It was EIGHTY-FIVE DEGREES yesterday and it's SNOWING today? I don't want to wear waterproof boots anymore and I WON'T. Don't mess with me, Mother Nature. You will lose every time.

Dear April in Hawaii,

I miss you.


Dear Blake,

Thank you for taking this picture and for encouraging me to make snow angels in my swimsuit and then photographing it. My butt is still cold.

Dear Legs,

Stop being so white.



Saturday, April 2, 2011

The upside

The only upside to your small person spewing taco puke all over your kitchen is the possibility of daytime bath photos.

Still not that great.


Friday, April 1, 2011

This is Kate...

...and she never, EVER stops moving.




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